Friday, January 19, 2007

Discussion Assignment for Week 3

We're going to stick with creation stories as we move forward into discussing a variety of religious texts from around the world. Thus, I'd like for each group to address one central question--Why do so many creation stories from so many different parts of the world contain such similar themes and motifs?

We're going to apply some of our new readings to this question and do a little research on it as well. Groups should choose one particular approach from which to answer this question.

How would a Jungian psychologist explain the answer?
How would an anthropologist explain the answer?
How would a Buddhist answer?
How would Hindu answer?
How would a fundamentalist Christian answer, and how would this differ from a more liberal Christian?
How would a philosopher answer? (pick your philosophy)
What historical or archaeological evidence do we have to explain the answer?

This will require a little research and a little academic analysis. As a follow up, however, I'd like the groups to address another question just as a matter of opinion--Can science and religion be reconciled? Are academic explanations for things and religious explanations always going to be at odds, or is it possible for the two to both have something of value to add without conflicting too much with one another?

Helpful Links


Beliefs and Practices of Various Faiths

Carl Jung

Structural Anthropology and Myth

Due Dates

Group posts due Friday, January 26.

Individual responses due Friday, February 2.

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