Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Discussion Topics--Homer's Odyssey

In groups, pick one episode from The Odyssey to analyze. Explain what happens in that episode, what it means, and how it ties into the larger themes of the story. Also, compare and contrast how that episode is depicted in the movie as opposed to the book.

Choose from the following episodes. Reply to this post to tell which episode your group has chosen.

The Cyclops
The God of the Wind
The Journey into the Underworld
The Final Battle

Consider some of the following issues in your response.

Odysseus’ heroic attributes—How do his heroic characteristics present themselves? Are they always strengths, or do they sometimes also cause problems?

The roles of women—What women are in the part of the story you’ve chosen? What kind of character or societal role do you see in them? Are they good, bad, strong, weak? How do they compare to Odysseus?

Dangers and temptations—What poses a bigger problem for Odysseus in this part of the story? Danger or temptation?


cheryl j said...

Dr Gerald, Our group has chosen Calypso for our next blog project. Stacy Therrell, Erica Gilley, and Cheryl Jordan

Robin Burkhalter said...

Robin, Brian, and Kristin have chosen The Cyclops.

Daisy said...
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Lindsey said...

Kyle, Brandon, and Lindsey have chosen the god of wind..

Krista Walley said...

Krista, Enotris, Ashley, and Nicole will do Circe

Daisy said...

janna daisy and curtis have chosen the final battle

Sarah Sumrall said...

Jennifer, Tracy, and Sarah have chosen Journey into the Underworld.