Friday, February 16, 2007


Zeus was considered to be the god of the sky and the weather and his image appeared on most Greek coins. He became one of the Seven Wonders of the world. Zeus was the supreme god and ruler of Olympus. He was known by many titles: Lord of the Sky, the Cloud-gatherer, the Rain-god and Zeus the Thunder. Zeus was the sixth child born to Cronos and Rhea because Cronos was afraid that one of his children would overthrow him, just like he overthrow his father, Uranus, he swallowed his five children-Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. This infuriated Rhea and when Zeus was born she tricked Cronos into swallowing a rock wrapped in blankets. Zeus is more powerful then any other god or even all the other gods combined. Zeus was neither omnipotent nor omniscient. His power was not boundless, Zeus had no control over The Fate and Destiny. Zeus was subject to pleasure, pain, grief, and anger, but he was most susceptible to the power of Eros-love, which often got the objects of his desire in a lot of trouble with his wife, Hera. Zeus was mighty, glorious, awesome and wise, although he did show a certain degree of surprising foolishness and naiveness when it came to hiding his love affairs. When his worship spread to an area which already worshipped another god, some of that god's qualities as well as his wife or lover were transferred to Zeus. Aside form the endless affairs Zeus was different from the other gods in that he did not participate in the arguments and the resulting petty scheming that made up the daily activities of other gods. Zeus was the guardian of political order and peace. The aegis is his breastplate- so glorious and at the same time awful to behold that no human could see Zeus in all his magnificence and survive. His weapon is , of course the thunderbolt which he hurled at whoever displeased him. The thunderbolts were fashioned for him the three Cyclopes who also were the deciding power in the battle with the Titans. His bird is the Eagle, his tree- the Oak. Dodona was his oracle. His will was revealed by the rusting of oak leaves which was interpreted by his priests.

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BY: Enotris, Krista, Nicole, and Ashely

1 comment:

Curtis said...

i really dont know a lot about zeus. but what i have heard is that he was the god that everyone had to answer to.