Friday, February 16, 2007


Tracy, Jennifer, and Sarah

Athena was the goddess of weaving, civilization, wisdom, and crafts. The owl is her attendent. As an armed warrior goddess, Athena appears in many Greek stories as a helper of many heroes including Heracles and Odysseus. Athena never had a lover, which is why she was called Athena, the Virgin. However she was raped and she conceived a son named Erichthonius.
The most common version of Athena's birth says that Zeus lay with Metis, the goddess of crafty thought and wisdom. After he did this, he feared the consequences. It was foretold that Metis would bear children more powerful than Zeus. In order to keep these terrible consequences from happening, Zeus transformed Metis into a fly and swallowed her immediately after lying with her. However, he was too late. Metis had already conceived their child. Soon after the conception, Metis began making a helmet and robe for her fetal daughter. As she made the helmet, the hammering caused Zeus horrible pain. His head was being pounded on with a Minoan axe by one of the Gods. Then, Athena then jumped from Zeus' head. When she came out, she was fully grown and armed.
Athena and her uncle Poseidon were both attracted to a specific city in Greece. Both of them claimed the city. However, the one who gave the city the greatest gift could own the city. Therefore, the two gods mounted the Acropolis. Poseidon hit the side of the cliff with his trident, and a spring welled. The people were in awe, but the water was very salty like Poseidon's sea. It was not very useful to the people. Athena's gift was an olive tree. The tree was better because it allowed the people to have oil, wood, and food. Because it was her city now, Athena named the city Athens.

We find find it very unusual how Athena came to be. Zeus changed her mother into a fly and swallowed her. Then, Athena "sprung" out of Zeus' head fully armed.

For more information click here and here.


Robin Burkhalter said...

I think Athena is my favorite god so far. Maybe because I like Greek architecture, I don't know. Whatever the reason, She's a lot better than some. Poseidon was absolutely lewd, for lack of a better word! I just can't imagine worshipping a god that's so base!

Erica said...

That is weird how zeus changed her mother into a fly and swallowed her. In the blog about zeus they said that zeus's father swallowed all his brothers because he was scared they would end up being more powerful than him..guess that is one thing that zeus inherited to just swallow something you want to get rid of.

cheryl j said...

I also find Athena's birth to be quite bizarre, but maybe it just follows Zeus's father swallowing his brothers and him to if his father had not been tricked. Maybe it was just in the "genes".

Sarah Sumrall said...

Reply to Cheryl:
Athena's birth was very bizarre. The way she was born out of Zeus' head was totally wierd. Also, swallowing people? You are right; it must've been in the genes.

Lindsey said...

I like the goddess Athena. She seems like she is a better person than the rest of the gods and goddesses. I think her birth was really cool. Sounds like she was meant to be strong.

Tracy Field said...

The birth of Athena is very strange, the fact that her mother was turned into a fly and swallowed by her once lover is very weird. I am guessing that when zeus swallowed her mother he thought that it was the end of her and the child she carried, but to his suprise athena popped out of his head. I have found that there is almost always something bizarre relating to these greek gods and goddesses.

Anonymous said...

Reply: Erica

I also find it really odd how zeus changed her mother into a fly and swallowed her. The greeks definitely had some weird stories related to their gods.

Anonymous said...

Reply: Robin

Athena would have been my favorite god too. I guess if I would have had to choose a god back then to worship it would have been her. I also would have just wanted to pick a female!