Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ares: God of War

Ares is the Greek god of war. He is more of a savage - war god than a god of tactical war. Whenever he heard of war, he put on his helmet and headed to battle. It did not matter who won or lost as long as there was bloodshed. He is sometimes known as the father of victory. He is related to the Roman god of war Mars, although Ares is considered to be more hostile. When Mars was re-cast by the Romans, the word Mars meant Blood-Red Planet of War. Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. In order for Ares to be conceived, Hera had to touch a flower that was unique to her. He was not well liked among most of the Olympian gods, including his mother and father. He was, however, honored by all the great warriors. Ares had a friend--well, more than a friend--in Aphrodite. They had affairs. They were once caught in an invisible net by Aphrodite’s husband. This revealed their affair to everyone.
He called Thrace his home, and he would retreat back there after his wars or whenever things were against him. Thrace is known for fierce people and battles against the tribes. The symbol that represents Ares is the spear. He is also associated with dogs and vultures.
During the Trojan War, Ares sided with the Trojans but was wounded by Athena. His lover, Aphrodite had to assist him. He was accompanied into battle by Eris, Hades, and his two sons, Deimos and Phobos. Ares rode into battle on his chariot being pulled by his horses, Flame and Terror. He saved Aeneas, Aphrodite’s son, from death.
Ares is the father of several children, two of which are Deimos, also personified as fear, and Phobos, who is personified as terror.
In today’s world, Ares plays an antagonist in video games such God of War and Spartan: Total Warrior. He is mentioned in many comics and a few movies. Ares is the name of a cruise missile targeting system used by the navy in the TV show NCIS.
I personally don’t see why the great warriors would honor him but at the same time hate and fear him. He was interesting to read about though. I thought it was neat how Hera had to touch a flower in order to become conceived with Ares. You would think by her touching a flower, Ares would be the opposite of what he really is.

For more information:

Kyle, Lindsey, and Brandon


cheryl j said...

Ares was certainly a war monger. I understand why he is associated with vultures but not dogs. I'm a dog lover. He is an interesting read but I don't like him that much.

Unknown said...

I think you guys did a good job. I learned a lot from reading this. I had heard of Ares before, but I didn't know anything about him.

Lindsey said...

I also cannot see how Ares is associated with dogs. Vultures are kind of cruel, but dogs are pretty much lovable animals unless they are taught to be mean or are treated badly.

Kyle said...

I've just always associated him with Xena ha. That's the only time I've ever heard of him, but it was interesting to research him.

stacy said...

This was very interesting. I do not think he is my favorite of the gods, especially if his mother and father did not approve of him sometimes. I also did not like the part about wars and blood. I didn't understand how he was called the father of victory or whatever if you said he'd want to fight regardless if he'd win or not.

byoung said...

ghe is my favorite of the gods. he is powerful

Krista Walley said...

I thought this was interesting. I have never really heard much about Ares. I know he was a bad guy but I kind of felt sorry for him because no one liked him. I can definetely understand why no one like him though. I agree with you about why people honored him when they hated him. You guys did a good job on this post. I really learned a lot about him.

Tracy Field said...

The birth of Ares is neat how Hera had to find a flower was unique to her. I do not agree that he was called the father of victory because it said that he fought for blood shed whether who one or lost.

Nicole said...

I learned a alot by reading about Ares. He was certainly a war fighter. I like how his mother, Hera, had to pick a flower that was unique to her.